Monday, May 27, 2013

I Love Goats

One thing you should know about me is how much I love goats. I’m really partial to all farm animals: horses, chickens, pigs, cows are alright I guess, ducks, border collies, sheep, llamas if you’re on a really exotic farm. Maybe it’s because I grew up in a city and the only time I ever really got to get close to an animal that wasn’t a dog, cat, or gerbil was in farm-like situations: petting zoos, horse stables, what my mother told me was a petting zoo that later turned out to be a pond of ducks behind an Italian restaurant. Anyway, I love goats the most. I don’t know if you’ve interacted with a goat, but it’s like interacting with a dog. They are playful, affectionate, and really want you to pet them behind their horns. Also, they make the best, creamiest cheese, really good caramel, and in 800 AD roaming goats discovered coffee beans so really goats are just the best and pretty much invented Frappachinos. 

Matt meets a kid.

Goat cart

        One of the fun things about not having a job and living somewhere new is that I never know what’s going to happen to me in a given day and I’m learning to just go with it. For instance, the adult softball league that Matt sometimes subs for needed a girl player so I played catcher in a softball game last week, even though I’m generally terrified of playing organized sports mostly because I don’t fully understand the rules to any sport besides bocce ball and like, capture the flag. (I don’t want to brag or anything but I hit a pitch and made it to first base.)So on Saturday Matt and I went to visit one of my professors from grad school at White Lotus Farm. She told me there were goats there, but I didn’t realize the sheer amount of goats or that half of them would be kids or that they would wear little dog collars or that their hooves would be so tiny. In general, I wish all my days of taking a break involved playing with baby goats and even though I’m not supposed to be actively looking for a job I’m not going to pretend like I didn’t Google “goat shepherd” to see if this job still exists. Maybe one day Teacake and I will take to the Italian hillsides to shepherd our herd from villa to villa as the goats prepare us artisan coffee drinks, but for now I will have to make do with just visiting. 

Goat watch 2013
Goat stampede

Natural goat herder?


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